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2016 Reflections and 2017 Blessings

As I approach the new year, sometimes I feel some resignation because I know, without a shadow of a doubt, there will be change. It could be a change in my career, relationships, or family. In 2016, I experienced many of these changes. From leaving my career as a teacher to become a stay at home mom to publishing my first book, it was all new. Those were exciting changes but I also had some not so great ones, like when my grandfather passed away or my brothers moving away. One thing 2016 has taught me is that no matter what happens, I am equipped to face it all. And so I will not go into 2017 with the same doubts and fears that sometimes occur. This 2017, I plan on becoming everything I've dreamed about myself. It may take more than a year to do it all but I'm ready for the journey. You ever imagine your best self and then think "Damn, I'm not like that." Well in 2017 I am working on building Her because I know I deserve the life that comes with all of those changes. I've been through way too much not to be Her. So I challenge you today to become the best version of yourself in 2017. I'm not talking about a New Year's Resolution I'm talking about a New Life Resolution. Let's grab life by the balls and live the life of our dreams. I'm ready. Are You?

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