How to Gain Clarity and Lose Indecision
Every once in a while, I would get stuck in my decision-making process. Sometimes I’d get bogged down with internal questions like, “Am I making the right choice. Is this the best decision for me?” Being indecisive in life takes joy out of an experience and leaves you doubting yourself. It can also lead to deep regrets that hinder you from experiencing true happiness. Every day, we are faced with decisions. Some choices will have minimal impact on your life; others have the potential to be life altering.
Now, I like a good pros/cons list like most people, but rather than list the positive and negative aspects of this decision, I wanted to go deeper into the underlying purpose of it.
Within every decision we face, there are three minor decisions that can drastically affect the outcome of a situation. These three minor decisions either pull you down, keep you on track, or accelerate your internal growth. By categorizing your decisions into this framework, you will become an active participant in how you evolve.
The “Pull You Down” Decision- This is the decision that in essence, is really beneath you. It does not match with the person you’ve grown to become. A “Pull You Down” decision is like taking a few steps back in your evolution journey. Yet, although it has a negative connotation, it can bring about positive changes.
The “Keep You on Track” Decision- These decisions tend to be aligned with whatever you currently believe. It is usually the decision you are most comfortable making. Choose this decision if you don’t want to make any significant changes in your life or you want to continue learning at the same pace.
The “Accelerate Your Growth” Decision- This decision can be tough to make and it is usually the decision that gets avoided for fear of the loss of ego and pride. This is the decision that promotes growth and is the “advanced work” in the class of life. Choose this decision if you are ready to catapult your life into the next dimension.
At different points in my life, I have made all three choices. I made the “Pull You Down” decision when I argued with a family member who I knew needed my help. I made a “Keep You on Track” decision when I stayed in a relationship just because I was comfortable. I made an “Accelerate Your Growth” decision when I decided to become the primary caretaker for my three younger siblings.
Out of all three of these decisions I made, none of them were the “wrong” choice. All choices are valid and all choices can promote growth. It is important to note that by categorizing your decisions, you are selecting a choice based on a growth outcome you want to experience. This process empowers your decision making by choosing an internal intended outcome. You may not be able to control what happens as a result of your choosing, but you will be able to control how you are affected by it.
This exercise is not about judging your choices as right or wrong, but it’s about consciously choosing how you evolve. Choosing either of these three options can be purposeful.
Even by making a “Pull You Down” decision, you can learn more about what you do not want to become because this decision provides great contrast. Now, it may seem like the “Accelerate Your Growth” decision is always the “best” choice, but this decision is full of adventure into the unknown. You are expanding who you know yourself to be and although this decision is rewarding, it can also be challenging.
Remember when you are making your decisions, your perspective is what matters most. What may seem like a “Pull You Down” decision to one person could be an “Accelerate Your Growth” decision to another. Anyone can be a guide, but this is your journey. The key is to follow your own heart. As cliche' as that sounds, decisions made out of love rather than fear are always the truest.

Decision making does not have to be a tough process. Once you go beyond judging your choices as right or wrong, you will see the potential for growth in whatever you choose. By categorizing your decisions by its growth potential, you are already on your way toward consciously evolving. This is the progressive direction in which humanity is heading which leads to a more empowered reality.