Mind Heart Soul-The Abstract Art
I’ve been in reflection mode a lot the last few days. It could be because the year is coming to an end and so it’s time to take inventory. One thing I have been contemplating is the role of heart, mind, and soul in our daily lives. These three things seem so abstract, it is hard to root them in reality. Here is my attempt at it. What are your thoughts?
Heart- Usefullness: This is where the truth can be found. Always.
Mind- This is the worker, the initiator, the judge. The mind is always trying to make sense of what the heart knows intuitively. The mind, filled with its antics, is a tool and being a tool, it is useful for certain things. However, because we are creatures of habit, we overgeneralize the use of the mind. We apply it to more situations than needed. As a teacher, this excessive generalizing shows up so much with my students. Teach them one strategy for solving a problem and you will find they use that same strategy for everything which usually gets them to a wrong answer.

Usefullness: Solves problems, provides the thought necessary to manifest things in the physical world, creates and answers the “how” questions
Soul- The soul is wise, full of understanding. Sometimes you may receive truth from the heart, but not understand it. The soul will put things in context for you. The soul has the answers to those “why” questions we always have. The soul is timeless and goes beyond our physical body with a memory that transcends the limits of our experiences. Usefullness: Brings meaning to the present moment, informs the mind so that it can create with wisdom
We often create problems for ourselves because the mind tries to create remedies for the heart. The mind is constantly trying to understand the heart, bypassing the soul. The mind wants to fix the perceived problems of the heart by creating experiences where the mind will thrive. For example, you listen to your heart and decide you want to sing, the mind is going to try to put a monetary value on it because it’s like “How do I survive off that?” That’s an ok question but use the understanding that stems from the soul: art, creativity is priceless. This perception will get you a lot farther than fixating on how you can make money off your passion. Don’t pimp out your purpose.
Mind, heart, and soul are a collective unit when there is harmony amongst the three of them. By consciously understanding the usefulness of mind, heart, and soul, you empower how you engage with the world around you.
Stay tuned for my next article “The Conscious Dream”